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Press Release: Joint Enterprise: Not Guilty by Association JENGbA response to the Justice Select Committee’s report on Joint Enterprise.
JENGbA is a grassroots campaign made up of families and supporters of people convicted under the joint enterprise doctrine. We are currently supporting 275 prisoners who have contacted us since we launched the campaign 16 months ago. This important campaign has been recognised by the Justice Select Committee who took up the issue with a brief inquiry to which JENGbA gave oral and written evidence.
JENGbA believes the joint enterprise doctrine should be abolished and are disappointed that the SC report did not take this approach. We were however, very encouraged that they recognised our concerns and crucially recommended urgent interim guidelines be drawn up by the DPP. We feel it is very important to stress the urgency of these guidelines so that further miscarriages of justice do not occur. Keir Starmer DPP has already acknowledged that this will take place. [Please read the conclusions and recommendations from the report 1 – 6 for further clarification]
The Select Committee recognised that as the law currently stands it is causing too many miscarriages of justice. Lord Judge recently expressed his concerns on the use of ‘possible foresight’ not actual foresight being used as evidence in joint enterprise cases.
The cornerstone of our criminal justice system is that it is better that 10 guilty men walk free than one innocent man be sent to prison. Joint Enterprise turns that on its head and we have hundreds if not thousands of innocent men, women and children currently serving horrendously long sentences for something they did not do.
JENGbA supports hundreds of families who have been severely let down by the courts who had nowhere else to turn to but to this important campaign. We will continue until all those wrongfully convicted have their cases reviewed. Many families are more than willing to give their side of the story and if you would like any further information please call:
JENGbA Gloria Morrison: 07709 115793
JENGbA Janet Cunliffe: 07729 033890